Cherokee Equities
   Convert Your Portfolio Into Cash  
Cherokee spins your straw into gold. 
It's not magic, just plain old-fashioned hard work.

We essentially take a portfolio of illiquid real estate-related assets, and turn them into cash.

These "illiquid real estate-related assets" can be any combination of OREO-REO, Tax Sale Certificates, Mortgages or Judgments.

Cherokee will help you extract the maximum value from your portfolio of illiquid New Jersey Tax Sale Certificates, Mortgages and real estate.

We'll do complete workouts on your behalf, on a contingency basis. We earn a percentage of whatever we collect on behalf of our clients. Other than actual expenses, we receive nothing until you do.

To learn more about the specific steps we take to "cash out" your illiquid portfolio, please click here.

Guaranteed Liquidity:
Cherokee guarantees you'll never be "stuck" with distressed real estate, you always get cash. This unique guarantee is possible because of our deep involvement in the real estate market. 

If any work-out results in title to real estate, regardless of condition, we guarantee in writing that we will immediately buy it from our client for the same cash they would have received otherwise.

If you're in the "money business", whether that means a Tax Lien investor, or a mortgage lender, having Cherokee do your work-outs guarantees you won't involuntarily become the owner of a piece of distressed real estate, with the associated liability and illiquidity.

Where We Work:
Cherokee works primarily in the Northeast United States, on relatively small portfolios of real estate-related equities. We focus on this one business, in this one geographic area, and do it very well. We've been rehabilitating real estate equities for over ten years. We extract the value from these equities, expertly and responsibly.

Our team of professionals has decades of successful experience in all aspects of distressed and non-performing real estate, including analysis, strategy, the legal process, asset management, and if necessary, asset disposition.

We've worked in virtually every County, and we have relationships with Collectors and Inspectors in many municipalities. Several New Jersey County governments have hired Cherokee on a consulting basis.

The law firm that handles most of our work is one of the largest and most efficient in the field, and has been doing foreclosure and tax lien work exclusively for over seven years.

Our Asset Manager has been supervising distressed real estate for over 20 years, in association with major banks, the RTC, and property management firms.

Research & Marketing - Broker Access:
We have our own in-house real estate brokerage,
Quest Commercial, Inc. Quest is a licensed New Jersey real estate broker (License #9000-189), regulated by the N.J. Real Estate Commission.

Quest is a member of local and regional MLS systems, enabling our clients to benefit from the latest market intelligence. MLS membership is always a powerful sales tool, facilitating property exposure to virtually the entire real estate market instantly.

Extract the maximum value from your portfolio by contacting:

Jay Wolfkind, at:

Cherokee Equities, LLC
133 Maple Avenue
Red Bank, NJ 07701

(732) 741-2000

Fax (732) 741-2009
Click here to send Jay Wolfkind an email

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©1998-2003 Cherokee Equities LLC  E. Brunswick, NJ